How Teachers of CBSE School in Howrah are Helping Kids to become Global Citizens?

Introduction Our world is becoming increasingly globalised with every passing day. In an interconnected world, school teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of a child. Through their dedication and improved teaching methods, educators are fostering important values, skills and perspectives that make them a good citizen for their future life. With everything moving on fast spaced, children should know about what is global citizenship. Through this web blog, you will know about one of the reputed CBSE School in Domjur Howrah and how teachers of that particular school are helping kids to become global citizens. What is global citizenship? A global citizen is someone who can adopt and adjust and be at home everywhere in the world. Global citizenship also allows individuals to have a deeper understanding of the inter contentedness of the different countries and regions of the world. Characteristics of global citizenship Here are a few typical characteristics of ...