How CBSE School in Domjur Encourages Creativity through Arts and Music


Creativity is a vital aspect of holistic education, fostering imagination, innovation and self-expression. Every child is creative in their own ways. The best CBSE School in Howrah recognises the importance of arts and music in developing student’s creativity, critical thinking skills, and emotional intelligence. In this blog, we will let you know about the best CBSE School in Domjur and how school encourages creativity through arts and music.


In this developing world, many students wants to become actors, singers, dancers and choose a lot of fields where they can show their talent and creativity. Schools are the best platforms from where students can nature their talent and start being creative in many ways. From the very starting age of theirs, students start learning different things, like some are good in studies, some are good in arts, dance and music too.

Our best school in Domjur (Doon Techno School) has integrated creative arts into its curriculum and also recognises that creativity is not limited to arts but extends to problem solving, critical thinking and innovation. Below are given ways how our top CBSE school in Howrah encourages creativity through arts and music –

1.      Providing a frame work for creativity and self-expression

2.      Emphasizing critical thinking skills

3.      Encouraging inter disciplinary learning

4.      Promoting collaborative learning

5.      Recognising the importance of emotional intelligence

6.      Incorporating creative arts in CBSE curriculum

Providing a framework for creativity and self-expression

Doon Techno School as the top CBSE School in Howrah encourages students to explore different forms of music such as painting, drawing, sculpture photography, drama. Students are also encouraged to develop their own creative ideas and express themselves through their chosen medium.

Emphasizing critical thinking skills

Doon Techno School as the top CBSE School in Howrah emphasizes critical thinking skills of students, here students are free to think critically about their own work and the work of others. They also analyse the historical, social and cultural contexts of arts and music. This approach helps students to develop a deeper understanding of art and music and to appreciate the power of creative expression in different contexts.

Encouraging inter disciplinary learning

The curriculum of the best CBSE School in Domjur Howrah emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary learning, which encourages students to explore connections between different subjects. In art and music education, this means exploring the links between art and music and other subjects, such as history, science, mathematics, and literature. This interdisciplinary approach encourages students to think creatively and to develop new ideas and perspectives.

Promoting collaborative learning

Collaborative learning which an essential part of creativity and self-expression is promoted by the best CBSE School in Howrah. Here, students are encouraged to work together on creative projects such as musical compositions, plays and exhibitions. This collaborative approach helps them to develop their social and communication skills.

Recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence

The best CBSE School in Howrah curriculum recognizes the importance of emotional intelligence in art and music education. Art and music can be powerful tools for self-expression and can help students to develop their emotional intelligence and self-awareness. The IB programme encourages students to explore their own emotions and to express themselves through their chosen medium, helping them to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Incorporating Creative arts in CBSE curriculum

Our school ensures that creative arts are an integral part of the curriculum from the primary to the higher secondary level. The integration occurs in multiple ways.

·         Visual arts – Our school curriculum includes visual arts as a separate subject. Students explore various artistic mediums, techniques, and styles. They learn to appreciate the works of renowned artists and create their artworks. This exposure nurtures their artistic sensibilities and encourages self-expression.

·         Music and dance – CBSE education promotes music and dance through its curriculum. Students have the opportunity to learn classical and contemporary forms of dance and music.

·         Extracurricular activities - Apart from formal curriculum-based learning, the best CBSE School in Domjur actively encourage extracurricular activities related to creative arts. These activities include art clubs, music bands, dance troupes, and drama societies. Students can explore their creative talents and passions through these clubs and groups.

·         Competitions and exhibitions - CBSE regularly organizes art exhibitions, music competitions, and dance performances at the regional and national levels. These events provide students with opportunities to showcase their artistic talents and compete with peers from across the country.

·         Integration with other subjects - CBSE integrates creative arts into other subjects, fostering interdisciplinary learning. For instance, history classes may include discussions on the role of art in different civilizations, while literature classes explore the impact of arts on culture and society.

The benefits of creative arts education

Some of the benefits of creative arts education are as follows –

·         Cognitive development

·         Emotional expression

·         Confidence building

·         Cultural appreciation

·         Collaboration and team work

·         Stress reduction


In conclusion, the Doon Techno School as the top CBSE School in Howrah provides a rich and varied approach to art and music education, encouraging students to explore their own creativity and to express themselves through their chosen medium. By providing a comprehensive and holistic approach to art and music education, the school programme helps students to develop the skills, knowledge, and experiences they need to succeed in the 21st century.


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