What are Some Different Learning Styles of CBSE School Children?


You all know that there are different learning styles of school students so which style are you going to choose? Through this blog, we will let you know about some different learning styles of school children and also about the CBSE School in Domjur, Howrah. So without wasting much of time, let’s discuss it in detail.


Doon Techno School is one of the best English medium school in Howrah, which is excelled in providing great services to the students. It’s a Co-ed English medium school, classes start from nursery to VIII standard. Some of the facilities or services given by the school are as follows –


1.      Multi-disciplinary curriculum

2.      Digital transformation technology

3.      Extracurricular activities

4.      AI classroom

5.      Transport facility

6.      NEP based curriculum

7.      Coding classes


Every student has a strategy to remember the information more efficiently while studying. Some of them take notes, some make diagrams, some listen lectures etc. It is seen that no learning styles fits all the students. Let us look at the different techniques of learning in education. Some of them are given below –


1.      Visual learning – In this type of learning, students learn by viewing pictures and images and respond well to colours and mind maps. This is taught in the best CBSE School in Howrah.

2.      Auditory learning - Aural or auditory-musical learners should retain the most information after hearing it. They are prone to sorting their ideas after speaking, rather than thinking ideas through before. Since, to them, saying things out loud helps them understand the concept. Auditory learners learn best when information is presented to them via strategies that involve talking, such as lectures and group discussions. They can benefit from repeating back the lessons, having recordings of the lectures, group activities that require classmates explaining ideas, etc.

3.      Kinesthetic learning – These learners are those who prefer to learn by doing. They enjoy a hands on experience. They are usually more in touch with reality and are more connected to it.

4.      Reading / writing – Its very powerful than auditory or visual representation. The students usually perform very well on writing assignments. There are different ways to get a reading/writing learner to engage and understand a certain lesson. For instance, it would be best to have them describe charts and diagrams by written statements, take written quizzes on the topics, or give them written assignments.

5.      Solitary learning - Solitary, or intrapersonal learners supposedly work best alone. Making notes and reciting them back are useful activities when studying by yourself. Most of us will have to do some solitary revision at some point in our lives, so download and complete this worksheet to see if it works for you.

6.      Verbal learning – Through verbal learning, students are supposed to respond well written or spoken words, using tools like rhymes and acronyms.

7.      Logical learning – Logical or mathematical learners use logic structures in order to learn effectively.


Here are seven different learning styles introduced by the CBSE School in Domjur Howrah


1.      Personal learning style - The personal category links learning styles which depend on other persons to be present or absent. These are different from other learning styles which focus on how the learner takes in information, instead they depend greatly on the learners’ surroundings and whether they are studying with or without people. These types of styles split into Interpersonal learners or intrapersonal learners.

2.      Interpersonal learners - Interpersonal learners work best in groups and social elements help improve their concentration. Debates, group study and interactions are the best methods. Interestingly, while they work best in groups, they also have the most empathy when it comes to others. “Interpersonal intelligence builds on a core capacity to notice distinctions among others – in particular, contrasts in their moods, temperaments, motivations and intentions.

3.      Intrapersonal learners - Intrapersonal learners are also known as solitary learners. Unlike interpersonal learners they work best when studying alone. They are known to be interested in philosophy, psychology and theology because of their proficiency in self-reflection.




Hope you like reading this blog and found it very informative. These are some of the different learning styles introduced in the best CBSE School in Howrah. If you want to admit your child to the Doon Techno School, you must visit the website and visit the school premises. 


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