Making a Mark: Celebrating Student and School Accomplishments


The top 10 schools in Howrah believes that emotional engagement is very essential for the students to grow. Teachers should know very well how to celebrate students achievements and accomplishments. The schools teach their students how to solve their problems and how to think critically.

Do you want to accomplish something that you never thought you could do? Then choose the Doon Techno School, also known as one of the CBSE school in Howrah district. This is a very reputed CBSE school, located in Domjur.

The teachers of Doon Techno School give personalised attention to their students. The price range is very affordable. So, it becomes easy for parents to enroll their child to this school. The school therefore organises various events and functions to celebrate students accomplishments. Students could further nurture and show their creative talent.

However, teaching students how to care goes even deeper than the kinds of projects and assignments we ask them to do. We must give careful consideration to the way we act with students and to the way we build community in our schools. I agree with Moulton that amazing accomplishments are born from a place of caring, and therefore, we must care enough to teach students how to care as well. I'd like to use this point in two consecutive entries to continue the conversation about apathy and motivation in high school students. And I will provide some illustrative examples of what students who are learning how to care do, say, and think about.

Recognising their success

It is very essential to recognise the success of the students of the top 10 best school in Howrah. Students must be awarded by their teachers or principal, so that they could felt a sense of pride and accomplishments on a job well done. The students were able to learn as part of a public exhibition, and the public exhibition served to help build a community of people who care about the work they do together because it benefits them all personally.

How often in the educational experience do we provide students with an opportunity for a public celebration of their accomplishments, let alone create an expectation for such celebrations? These students are learning to see that their combined efforts say something to the world about what is possible when they do meaningful and relevant work together.

How to celebrate students’ accomplishments?

Basically, there are four main ways to celebrate students’ accomplishments, described by the top 10 schools in Howrah

1.       Praise the effort, not the person. Celebrate hard work rather than talent. Use language such as ‘you’ve worked hard’ rather than ‘you’re great’ or ‘you’re so talented/smart’.

2.      Make challenges appear normal and an obstacle that can be overcome. Show students a range of challenges their peers have faced and how they can tackle them. For example, sharing accounts of how students have bounced back from a grade they were disappointed with.

3.      Show that success if possible for all students. Gather interview/case studies from students and alumni from a range of backgrounds, to share with students through departmental newsletters, social media, prospectuses, etc. Try to capture challenges that were faced, and how they overcame them.

4.      Show students how to get involved. Sometimes students want to get involved, but are not sure how. Research has shown those that are more actively engaged are more likely to succeed within their studies. Make sure examples are clearly accessible; for example, becoming a peer mentor, course rep, getting involved in societies, etc.


Hence, this was the informative blog shared by us. If you want your child to get admitted to the Doon Techno School, then visit the school premises today.





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